Part of the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust

As children of God, we are loved, we are called and we are inspired.


Our Staff





I hope this website gives you a flavour of life at St Peter’s and paints a picture of all the wonderful things we do at school.

Within our school, we seek to create a happy, friendly, and supportive environment, where every child can develop spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. It is the aim of everyone in our school to help the children grow in their journey of faith, with the Gospel values at the centre of everything we do.

By providing a range of exciting opportunities and experiences within our broad and balanced curriculum, children are encouraged to aim for the highest possible standards.

Mrs P McArthur


Our Values

Our vision at St Peter’s is to create a vibrant, caring school community in which every child can achieve their learning potential, develop their unique talents, and become the absolute best they can be in preparation for the next stage in their lives.

Our aim is to provide a safe, welcoming and caring community nurturing the growth of every individual, spiritually, socially, morally and academically in an environment founded on Catholic beliefs. We recognise the God given uniqueness and wonder of everyone and seek to achieve our full potential through the commitment of all.


We send out letters and newsletters on a regular basis to keep parents up to date with school decisions and progress.

At St Peter's, we keep our parents, carers and families informed about upcoming events and celebrations of our children's successes. We regularly publish a newsletter, which is sent out electronically to all of our parents and is made available on this page. We also use Social media to share the very latest events, learning and religious celebrations that take place within our school.

Latest News

Year 6 SATS are over!

Well done to each and every one of our Year 6 children, who have worked so hard towards their tests this week. We are so proud of you. As a special treat, they received their leavers hoodies and headed to the park for a fun day out. We have had a great day! Thank you […]

Prayer journalling

Today, during our celebration of the Word, we did some reflective journalling to think about what we are thankful for, sorry for and what we could ask from God.

What have we learned about Pentecost?

In the final week of an R.E. topic, we look back and ask ourselves what we’ve learned. As we finished Pentecost, Mr Jobes sat us down and captured what each of us have remembered.
